Coast to Coast - PTDC/ATP-AQI/0742/2014
Late Portuguese Infrastructural Development in Continental Africa (Angola and Mozambique): Critical and Historical Analysis and Postcolonial Assessment


1) the analysis of the infrastructural process from the mapping of 3 specific typologies of colonial Public Works (PW), which will be addressed in the perspective of its archival, documental and cartographic processing, and of its historiographical description?

 2) the identification and critical analysis of the state of these infrastructures (reuse, strengthening or decay), after the 1975 independences.

The research is based on the hypothesis that the colonial territorial infrastructure leave resilient marks in the postcolonial built environment, and that this impact should be analyzed in such a way as to support future actions. The Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino owns an essential part of the document collection concerning the colonial PW of the 19th and 20th centuries. The archival processing, cataloguing and description will be a responsibility of the project, making them available to the scientific community.

After the mapping, recurring to specialized cartography, all the documentation will be gathered, and casestudies will be selected, based on specific criteria (strategic relevance, scale, impact in the built environment). Its detailed and historical description follows, in order to create inventory records in the web platform HPIP of FCG and referencing in the GIS, together with the verification of the conservation state and with the surveying of the postindependence interventions.

Internal Partners
Research Centre Research Group Role in Project Begin Date End Date
DINAMIA'CET-Iscte Cities and Territories Leader 2016-04-04 2019-04-03
External Partners
Institution Country Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Gulbenkian) Portugal Partner 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
Project Team
Name Affiliation Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Ana Vaz Milheiro Investigadora Coordenadora (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Global Coordinator 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
Filipa Fiúza Research Assistant (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
José Luís Possolo de Saldanha Professor Associado (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
Leonor Matos Silva Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2019-09-02 2019-12-31
Monica Pacheco Professora Associada (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
Paulo Tormenta Pinto Professor Catedrático (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2016-04-04 2019-12-31
Sónia Pereira Henrique Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2017-06-15 2019-12-31
Project Fundings

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Late Portuguese Infrastructural Development in Continental Africa (Angola and Mozambique): Critical and Historical Analysis and Postcolonial Assessment