The Colonial Urbanization Offices: Architectural Culture and Practice

This study aimed to inventory, catalog and analyze the work of sucessive Offices that belonged to the structures of the Ministries of the Colonies and later of the Overseas (henceforth designated overseas ministries) and that were responsible for the architectural project is part of a more comprehensive study about the city and architecture produced in the former colonial territories, the aim of which is to further the knowledge of the intellectual and constructed heritage generated by the Portuguese and to make it available to the public at large by means of an on line consultation system.

Internal Partners
Research Centre Research Group Role in Project Begin Date End Date
DINAMIA'CET-Iscte -- Partner 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
External Partners
Institution Country Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical,I.P. (IICT) Portugal Partner 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana (IHRU) Portugal Partner 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
Project Team
Name Affiliation Role in Project Begin Date End Date
Ana Vaz Milheiro Investigadora Coordenadora (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Principal Researcher 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
José Luís Possolo de Saldanha Professor Associado (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
Paulo Tormenta Pinto Professor Catedrático (DAU); Integrated Researcher (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Researcher 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
Vasco Rato Integrated Researcher (ISTAR-Iscte); Researcher 2010-02-01 2013-07-31
Filipa Fiúza Research Assistant (DINAMIA'CET-Iscte); Scholar 2013-02-17 2013-07-31
Project Fundings
Reference/Code Funding DOI Funding Type Funding Program Funding Amount (Global) Funding Amount (Local) Begin Date End Date
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The Colonial Urbanization Offices: Architectural Culture and Practice