Comunicação em evento científico
A 3D model for architectural analysis, using aerial photogrammetry, for the digital documentation of the convent of Santa Maria da Ínsua, on the northern border between Portugal and Spain.
Rolando Volzone (Volzone, R.); Pietro Becherini (Becherini, P.); Cottini, Anastasia (Cottini, Anastasia);
Título Evento
D-SITE, Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Mais Informação
The convent of Santa Maria da Ínsua, northern of Portugal, was founded in 1392 by the Observant Franciscans. The space has been studied mostly by Historians but an in-depth analysis of its physical evidences is missing. This paper seeks to fill in this gap, in order to contribute to the diffusion of this religious heritage site. This study is even more relevant in this historical moment because it is conducted exactly before the building rehabilitation. Digital photogrammetric surveys through UAVs provide a quick method to obtain a 3D textured mesh model for further studies, online visualization, preservation and sharing.
Digital Photogrammetry,Religious Heritage,Military Heritage,Historical Studies,Architectural conservation
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais
  • História e Arqueologia - Humanidades
  • Artes - Humanidades

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