Scientific journal paper Q1
A Generalized Log Gamma Approach: Theoretical Contributions and an Application to Companies’ Life Expectancy
José H. Dias Gonçalves (José H. Dias Gonçalves); João J. Ferreira Gomes (João J. Ferreira Gomes); Lihki J. Rubio (Rubio, L.J.); Filipe R. Ramos (Ramos, F.R.);
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The survival of a company has been a topic of growing interest in the scientific community. Measuring the life expectancy of Portuguese telecommunication companies using generalized log-gamma (GLG) distribution is a new research endeavor. Regarding the new theoretical con-tributions, original expressions for the moments and mode of the GLG distribution are presented. In this empirical study, data on the entrepreneurial fabric in the Information and Communication sector from 2004 to 2018, when some companies were born or died, were used. In addition to the GLG, three other statistical distributions with two parameters are analyzed: gamma, Weibull, and log-normal. Maximum likelihood parameters and confidence intervals for survival probabilities are estimated and compared. The Akaike information criterion is used to compare the perfor-mance of the four estimated models. The results show that GLG distribution is a promising so-lution to assess the resilience and longevity of a firm.
This work is partially financed by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the UIDB/00006/2020 project.
probability distributions,parameter estimation,parametric models,generalized log-gamma,companies’ life expectancy
  • Mathematics - Natural Sciences
  • Computer and Information Sciences - Natural Sciences
  • Civil Engineering - Engineering and Technology
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UIDB/00006/2020 FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia