Scientific journal paper Q1
A new look at online attraction: unilateral initial attraction and the pivotal role of perceived similarity
David L. Rodrigues (Rodrigues, D.); Diniz Lopes (Lopes, D.); Theodore Alexopoulos (Alexopoulos, T.); Liz Goldenberg (Goldenberg, L.);
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Computers in Human Behavior
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United Kingdom
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Although perceived attractiveness has consistently been shown to influence interpersonal attraction, perceiving another person as more similar to oneself is also highly important for attraction. We examine how both perceptions impact unilateral initial attraction (UIA), defined as a positive reaction following the perception of an unknown target within minimal information settings. In three studies, we examine this phenomenon in a social networking site scenario, by asking participants to imagine they were browsing such a site. In Study 1, participants reported greater UIA for an attractive target, and this effect was partially mediated by perceived similarity. In Study 2, participants reported greater UIA for a target neutral in attractiveness, after being conceptually primed with similarity. This effect was mediated by perceived attractiveness. In Study 3, both perceived similarity and perceived attractiveness were associated with increases in UIA, which in turn was associated with greater interest to interact with a target neutral in attractiveness. These novel findings show the importance of perceived similarity for UIA and the importance of this phenomenon for online interactions. We conclude by discussing general implications for online social activities, specifically relationship development.
Unilateral initial attraction (UIA),Perceived similarity,Perceived attractiveness
  • Psychology - Social Sciences
Funding Records
Funding Reference Funding Entity
SFRH/BPD/73528/2010 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
UID/PSI/03125/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia