Publicação em atas de evento científico
An adaptive management proposal for optimizing the performance of a virtualized computing environment
João Maria Azedo Rendeiro (Rendeiro, J. M. A.); Rui Neto Marinheiro (Marinheiro, R. N.); José Moura (Moura, J. A.); João Carlos Marques Silva (Silva, J. C.);
2nd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing
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The number of virtualized servers is overtaking, by a large amount, the number of physical servers. One of the drawbacks of this new scenario is a much more complex computing infrastructure to manage. In this way, the current paper proposes a adaptive management prototype that controls a virtualized environment. This prototype guarantees an adaptive and automatic solution that efficiently supervises and controls any virtualized environment, without almost any human intervention. In addition, it manages the relevant physical computing resources allocated to each virtual machine, like memory and processing power. The results from our prototype suggest that it is possible to balance memory among various machines and perform an effective control of each machine's workload, with a simple and low cost solution for our initial problem.
Adaptive optimization,Dynamic optimization,Autonomic computing,Virtual machines,Virtualization
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
PTDC/EEA-TEL/120666/2010 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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