Publication Detailed Description
Assessing impacts of public policies towards environmental sustainability in an EU region: North of Portugal
Journal Title
European Planning Studies
Year (definitive publication)
United Kingdom
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Environmental sustainability has been a key policy goal of the
European Union (EU), particularly under recent EU Cohesion Policy
strategic frameworks. This paper contributes to the analysis of
the relevance of EU Cohesion Policy-related environmental
sustainability investments, by assessing the impacts of the
Operational Programme for Sustainability and Use of Resources
(POSEUR 2014–2020), in the Portuguese North NUTS II. In detail,
the impact scores of the following five analytical dimensions
related to this programme were obtained: (i) low-emissions
economy, (ii) adaptation to climate change, (iii) risk prevention and
management, (iv) environmental protection and (v) resource
efficiency. The analysis was supported by a territorial impact
assessment methodology (TARGET_TIA) which was complemented
by an online analytic geographic information system (GIS) policy
evaluation platform (Impact-WEB_GIS). The results showed that the
POSEUR’s regional implementation efficiency fell short of the
stakeholders’ expectations. This can be explained by factors such
as the obstacles posed by the prior underdeveloped infrastructural
conditions, coupled with the panorama created by the Covid-19
outbreak. Nonetheless, the risk prevention and management
dimension had a solid positive impact score that reflected the
efficacy of POSEUR in tackling environmental threats, mostly in
rural ecosystems.
Urban sustainability,Rural development,EU Cohesion Policy,POSEUR,North of Portugal
Fields of Science and Technology Classification
- Social and Economic Geography - Social Sciences
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