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Cybersecurity challenges: Serious games for awareness training in industrial environments
Tiago Espinha Gasiba (Gasiba, T. E.); Ulrike Lechner (Lechner, U.); Maria Pinto-Albuquerque (Pinto-Albuquerque, M.);
Deutschland. Digital. Sicher
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N.º de citações: 13

(Última verificação: 2024-12-31 00:32)

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Awareness of cybersecurity topics, e.g., related to secure coding guidelines, enables software developers to write secure code. This awareness is vital in industrial environments for the products and services in critical infrastructures. In this work, we introduce and discuss a new serious game designed for software developers in the industry. This game addresses software developers’ needs and is shown to be well suited for raising secure coding awareness of software developers in the industry. Our work results from the experience of the authors gained in conducting more than ten CyberSecurity Challenges in the industry. The presented game design, which is shown to be well accepted by software developers, is a novel alternative to traditional classroom training. We hope to make a positive impact in the industry by improving the cybersecurity of products at their early production stages.
The authors would like to thank the participants of the CyberSecurity Challenges for their time and their valuable answers and comments. The authors would also like to thank Kristian Beckers and Thomas Diefenbach for their helpful, insightful, and constru
Awareness,Critical infrastructures,Cybersecurity challenges,Development,Industry,Secure software,Serious games,Software developers
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UIDB/04466/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
UIDP/04466/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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