Publicação em atas de evento científico
Distributed sensing solution for home efficiency tracking
Carolina Dionísio (Dionísio, C.); Gonçalo Simões (Simões, G.); André Glória (Glória, A.); Pedro Sebastião (Sebastião, P.); Nuno Souto (Souto, N.);
2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Estados Unidos da América
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Web of Science®

N.º de citações: 1

(Última verificação: 2025-01-06 02:59)

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N.º de citações: 2

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N.º de citações: 4

(Última verificação: 2025-01-07 06:48)

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With the rapid increase of smart devices, keeping track of household consumptions is a service that starts to be automated. This paper presents a proposal for a system based on wireless sensor networks designed for the purpose of monitoring and controlling environment parameters of a smart home. In order to obtain an efficient and inexpensive system, a study was made to select the best hardware and software solutions for this system. This system allows the user, through an Android application, to view all the information collected by the sensors, and consequently act in a way to make his home more sustainable. The main advantage of this system is to take into account that all its components are small, practical and with high efficiency, in addition it allows an easy installation and in order to get involved with the inner environment, another advantage is to allow system interaction with the user.
Internet of things,Smart homes,Wireless sensor network,ESP32,LoRa,Android
  • Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias - Engenharia e Tecnologia
  • Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática - Engenharia e Tecnologia
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
ISCTE-IUL-ISTA-BM-2018 Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
UID/EEA/50008/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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