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Documentary "Kolkatar Mukh - Faces of Kolkata / faces de Kolkata"
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Documentary of the photovoice research technique
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There is no such thing as the story of a place. There are as many stories as storytellers.
In this film, stories of the city of Kolkata (capital of the state of West Bengal, India) are told through the eyes and voices of several residents and international tourists from different countries visiting this place. The film explores the multiplicity of stories/ representations of this city and its people, generated through photovoice and multivocal techniques. Tourists as well as residents were endowed with photographic cameras to capture still images of the city and give their voices to tell the stories of the photographs taken. We handed out photographic cameras among tourists and residents and invited them to give us their vision of the city. Besides the stories drawn from the photographs, one of the residents opted to tell his stories through poetry while two young musicians chose to express their city through a baul song.