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Gender Inclusive Rape Myth Acceptance Scale: Validity and Reliability Evidence in the Portuguese Context
Título Evento
8th EFCAP Congress
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Web of Science®
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Background and aims: Rape myths are thoroughly socially accepted and spread, influencing judicial decisions and, ultimately, negatively impacting victims’ well-being. Rape myths’ measures have mainly focused on cisgender women victims and male perpetrator scenarios. However, literature efforts on gender inclusive measures to assess rape myths involving other victims, namely cisgender men and transgender and gender diverse victims is scarce and lacking in the Portuguese context. This study aims to: (a) adapt a gender and victim inclusive measure of rape myths endorsement to the Portuguese context (i.e., Gender Inclusive Rape Myth Acceptance Scale - GRIMA) and (2) provide validity and reliability evidence for this measure. Methods: This is an ongoing study, which will include a community sample of adults, who will fill in the following instruments: a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, The Short Social Dominance Orientation, the Compassion Scale, The Attitudes Toward Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Scale, Genderism and Transphobia Scale (Transphobia/Genderism subscale) and GRIMA. Results: Findings from factorial analyses will be presented and discussed according to previous evidence on this topic. Conclusions: Evidence from the current study might allow the development of cross-cultural studies on this topic.
rape,rape myths,gender inclusive rape myths,measurement,psychometrics.