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Helping to stay aware!: MEM+ a computerised application for Alzheimer’s patients
Aníbal Caixinha (Caixinha, A.); Isabel Machado Alexandre (Alexandre, I.);
CENTERIS’2014/ProjMAN’2014/HCist’2014, Proceedings
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N.º de citações: 3

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N.º de citações: 4

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Dementia is, unfortunately, a well-known problem of nowadays, product of a set of generational transformations and a result of better life conditions. Memory is the key factor in this type of illness and it is nuclear to understand how it is constructed to hypothesise and try to determine how it degenerates. In this paper, memory structures are presented as a starting point of the research and then based on what type of memories are more affected on Alzheimer’s patients an application has been devised: MEM+. This application aims at tracking the illness evolution and at the same time provide cognitive stimulus with a set of serious games. To devise a small prototype of the application a participatory design has been conducted.
Memory,Narrative intelligence,Seriuos games
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UID/EEA/50008/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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