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Inequalities and well-being in Portugal: monitoring through a local system of indicators for Europe
Título Evento
Measuring Progress STATEC Seminar Series
Ano (publicação definitiva)
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Inequality and well-being are central concerns in today’s world. Recent studies emphasize that
inequality constrains well-being, but the findings are mostly supported by analysis between
countries, that do not take into consideration inequalities within countries and their specific placebased scope. This seminar has two overarching objectives: first, it aims to present new knowledge
about the relations between inequalities and well-being, under the frameworks of OECD Better
Life Initiative, in the case of Portugal and their municipalities, with the far-reaching purpose of
analytical replication to the other European countries; and second, by proposing a comparable
system of indicators that allows for within and between country analysis on inequalities and wellbeing, to discuss public policies for achieving at local levels in Europe the sustainable development
goals of United Nations 2030 Agenda. We propose to operationalise a set of place-based inequality
and well-being indicators which make it possible to enhance public policies, supported on a
European well-being agenda, that would allow overcoming strict visions of European integration,
convergence and social cohesion, objectives that in the current global pandemic crisis are even
more challenging for Europe. The results that we will present can contribute for building a system
of place-based indicators able to monitor the European 2030 UN Agenda throughout
municipalities and regions.
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