Artigo em revista científica Q1
Listening to doctors on patients’ use of healthcare during the crisis: uncovering a different picture and drawing lessons from Portugal
Tiago Correia (Correia, T.); Graca Carapinheiro (Carapinheiro, G.); Helena Carvalho (Carvalho, H.); José Manuel Silva (Silva, J. M.); Joana Vieira (Vieira, J.);
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Journal of Public Health
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Reino Unido
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Background The consequences of financial crises on patients’ use of healthcare have been widely discussed. This paper seeks to ascertain whether the position of key players, i.e. doctors, may reveal realities other than those officially reported about the 2008 financial crisis. Methods In 2013–14, a national survey of doctors was conducted in Portugal, which received international assistance in the wake of the financial crisis. An exploratory model comprising descriptive statistics, regression and independence analyses focused on doctors’ experience of patients’ use of medications, consultations, exams and treatment services, and whether they stopped treatments. Results According to doctors, an unspecified number of patients experienced difficulties using healthcare as more patients requested prescriptions for cheaper medications or simply stopped treatments. Significant variations were found according to speciality, years of practice and sector of activity. Conclusions Cost-containment mechanisms are regarded as necessary. However, the evidence indicated a side effect, i.e. a decrease in patients’ ability to use healthcare, including in the National Health Service (NHS). It also highlighted the need to listen to health professionals as key informants on patient's behaviour and the daily functioning of health services.
Health services,Management and policy,Public health
  • Medicina Clínica - Ciências Médicas
  • Ciências da Saúde - Ciências Médicas
  • Outras Ciências Médicas - Ciências Médicas