Publication in conference proceedings
Luxury hotel types: Examining the effects of (in)conspicuous consumption orientation on luxury hotels’ valuations
Aihoor Aleem (Aleem, A.); Vera Herédia-Colaço (Herédia-Colaço, V.);
Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
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The present research aims to examine how conspicuous consumption orientation impacts consumers’ valuations of luxury hotel types – subtle versus extravagant. Two experimental studies were performed and results show that indeed conspicuous consumption orientation moderates the relationship between luxury hotel type and consumers’ enjoyment and quality perceptions. Also their likelihood of staying and willingness to pay for a hotel. Specifically, results show that low conspicuous-oriented individuals seem to value more subtle than extravagant luxury hotels. Yet, for high conspicuous-oriented individuals no significant differences are observed when exposed to either hotel types. Our findings further suggest that, overall, there are greater sustainability expectations towards hotels that provide more subtle and inconspicuous hotel experiences than hotels that provide more extravagant and conspicuous experiences. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided.
ISCTE-IUL/BRU-IUL. We acknowledge the support from FCT – Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology for the project “UIDB/GES/00407/2020”
Funding Records
Funding Reference Funding Entity
UIDB/GES/00407/2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia