Outras publicações Q2
Managing foresight in changing organisational settings: introducing new perspectives and practices
Sandro Mendonça (Mendonça, S.); Bartolomeo Sapio (Sapio, B.);
Título Revista/Livro/Outro
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
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Reino Unido
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Web of Science®

N.º de citações: 8

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In times characterised by a tyranny of turbulence foresight arises as a tool for intellectual freedom and enhanced strategic leverage, but, it should be noted, foresight itself is always in a continuing state of experimentation as it is not detached from the changing environment that engulfs organisations. Taking stock from developments in foresight methodologies and implementation experiences is especially important at this moment as the first decade of the present century draws to a close. Looking ahead calls for a review of new perspectives and recent practice on foresight methodology and on how foresight is embedded in organisations.
  • Economia e Gestão - Ciências Sociais