Artigo em revista científica Q1
Monocular trail detection and tracking aided by visual SLAM for small unmanned aerial vehicles
André Silva (Silva, A.); Ricardo Mendonça (Mendonça, R.); Pedro Santana (Santana, P.);
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Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
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This article addresses the navigation problem of small and medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) built to perform missions in forest environments (e.g., search and rescue) by exploiting the presence of natural or man-made paths, typically present in this type of environments. The proposed system extends a previous monocular-based technique for trail detection and tracking so as to take into account volumetric data acquired from a Visual SLAM algorithm and, as a result, to increase its sturdiness upon challenging trails. The experimental results, obtained via a set of 12 videos recorded with a camera installed in a tele-operated, unmanned small-sized aerial vehicle, show the ability of the proposed system to overcome some of the difficulties of the original detector, attaining a success rate of 97.8%.
UAV,Path detection,Visual SLAM
  • Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática - Engenharia e Tecnologia
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UID/EEA/50008/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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