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Nuno Portas and the Spanish influence on the definition of housing policies in Portugal in the period of democratic transition
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Crossing frontiers: International networks of Spanish architecture (1939-1975)
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Taking the housing crisis and the SAAL program as a central interest point of architects and
sociologists in the aftermath of the Portuguese revolution, this chapter tracks the influence of
Spanish architecture in Portugal and the relations of Portuguese and Spanish architects, signaling the
main role of Nuno Portas. It begins by introducing the background of the architecture exchange
between Portugal and Spain, since the 1960’s, through the diffusion and interchange activities of
Nuno Portas (section 2). It continues to discuss the role of architects on urban change during the
revolutionary process from the viewpoint Joan Antonio Solans experiences and writings (Section 3).
Then it takes on the social movements debate with Manuel Castells reflections and writings about
the new housing policies and experiences (Section 4). Finally, a short reflection on the interchange of
ideas and experiences between Portugal and Spain in presented in the conclusion (Section 5).
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento | Entidade Financiadora |
UIDB/03127/2020 | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
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