Artigo em revista científica Q1
On the descriptive and expressive function of derogatory group labels: an experimental test
Mauro Bianchi (Bianchi, M.); Andrea Carnaghi (Carnaghi, A.); Valentina Piccoli (Piccoli, V.); Marta Stragà (Stragà, M.); Davide Zotti (Zotti, D.);
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Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Estados Unidos da América
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By using a pseudoword paradigm, we tested whether derogatory labels (e.g., pejorative labels addressing group members) differed from category labels and general slur in their descriptive (i.e., pointing to group membership) and expressive functions (i.e., perceived offensiveness and social acceptability). Results indicated that derogatory labels were similar to category labels in their descriptive function, and had higher expressive function than slurs. Participants’ prejudice toward the groups that were targets of derogatory label reduced their perceived offensiveness than in turn increased their social acceptability.
Slurs,Derogatory language,Descriptive function,Expressive function,Prejudice
  • Psicologia - Ciências Sociais
  • Ciências da Educação - Ciências Sociais
  • Sociologia - Ciências Sociais
  • Ciências da Comunicação - Ciências Sociais
  • Línguas e Literaturas - Humanidades
  • Antropologia - Ciências Sociais
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UID/PSI/03125/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia