Artigo em revista científica Q1
Recruiting business expatriates in Portugal: A surefooted endeavor?
João Vasco Coelho (Coelho, J. V.);
Título Revista
Employee Relations
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Reino Unido
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Web of Science®

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Managerial discourses tend to portray work-related mobility practices in a positive light, presenting mobility assignments as a place of stimulus and differentiation. A conception of mobility as an opportunity, may contrast, in specific economies and business settings, with lived personal experiences. This article reports the results of a three-year study, aimed to question how multinational companies (MNCs) located in a small and developing European economy (Portugal) are building talent pools for expatriate assignments. Interaction effects, as proposed by the job demands-resources (JD-R) theory, are considered as lens to understand the interplay of company expatriate policies, willingness profiles and psychological contracts of expatriates. By using a Portuguese sample, the study examines whether prior findings in mature economies and consolidated MNCs can be generalized to less developed international business settings.
Global work,Global mobility,Expatriation,Expatriate recruitment,Expatriate willingness,Employment relations,Psychological contracts,Job demands-resources (JD-R) theory
  • Economia e Gestão - Ciências Sociais