Artigo em revista científica
Representações da qualidade do ensino de alunos de enfermagem: um estudo exploratório
Jorge Bonito (Bonito, J.); Margarida Saraiva (Saraiva, M.); Isabel Fialho (Fialho, I.); João Paulo Barros (Barros, J. P.); José Espírito Santo (Espírito Santo, J.); Maria José Martins (Martins, M. J.); Teresa Oliveira (Oliveira, T.); et al.
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Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación
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Quality assurance in education has been, from a long time, one of the key issues of academic discussion and, more recently, in the organs of public information. At this work integrated in a larger project, began by outlining a short journey of the application of the concept of quality in higher education, focus on the latest studies in this area. After that, we present the main conclusions from the application of a questionnaire on indicators of qua- lity of education, applied to students attending the third year of nursing courses at Alentejo, during school year of 2007/2008. The results, related with the definition of quality, show that students associate, essentially, quality education to teachers performance’s, followed by infrastructures, and adequate resources for the achievement of learning
Educação,Qualidade de ensino,Ensino superior,Representações de estudantes
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
POCI/ALE/04.01.02/0097/0002/2006 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia