Artigo em revista científica Q2
Revisiting asymmetries in the representation of Portuguese women news anchors
Beatriz Lopes (Lopes, B.); Cláudia Álvares (Álvares, C.); Patrícia Ávila (Ávila, P.);
Título Revista
Women's Studies - An Interdisciplinary Journal
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Reino Unido
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N.º de citações: 3

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This article focuses on the implications of a comparative analysis between female and male news anchors on Portuguese television. Quantitative analysis was performed over a year-long period, with the objective of collecting data that would help to determine the number of men and women presenting the main national newscasts. Simultaneously, eight interviews with female news anchors were carried out to understand their individual experiences of gender inequality. This analysis revealed that female news anchors were significantly underrepresented in comparison with their male counterparts, thus reinforcing traditional gendered stereotypes. The interviews, in turn, revealed that the majority of female news anchors did not consider gendered discrepancies or inequalities to exist in the presentation of national newscasts. However, despite not recognizing and sometimes denying such discrepancy, they identified the social mechanisms responsible for gendered asymmetries.
Television news,News anchors,Gender inequalities,Subrepresentation,Stereotypes
  • Sociologia - Ciências Sociais
  • Outras Ciências Sociais - Ciências Sociais
  • Outras Humanidades - Humanidades