Scientific journal paper Q3
Tackling cyberbullying: review of empirical evidence regarding successful strategies
Sonja Perren (Perren, S.); Lucie Corcoran (Corcoran, L.); Helen Cowie (Cowie, H.); Francine Dehue (Dehue, F.); Djamila Garcia (Garcia, D.); Conor Mc Guckin (Mc Guckin, C.); Anna Sevcikova (Sevcikova, A.); Panayiota Tsatsou (Tsatsou, P.); Trijntje Völlink (Völlink, T.); et al.
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International Journal of Conflict and Violence
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A summary of current knowledge on successful responses to cyberbullying differentiating between three different response domains: reducing risks, combatting the problem, and buffering negative impact. A systematic literature search yielded thirty-six relevant studies, most of which report findings regarding general prevention strategies (e.g., anti-bullying policies or cybersafety strategies) and the use of coping strategies such as seeking support, responding (retaliation or confronting), technical solutions, and avoidant and emotion-focussed strategies. Whilst a few studies report perceived success, very few measure the success of the strategies in relation to risks and outcomes. There is a clear lack of evidence concerning successful responses.
Cyberbullying,Responses,Coping,Prevention,Literature review
  • Sociology - Social Sciences
  • Law - Social Sciences
  • Political Science - Social Sciences
CIS-IUL Scientific Awards 2013. Artigo: Perren, S., Corcoran, L, Cowie, H., Dehue, F., Garcia, D., McGuckin C., Sevcikova, A, Tsatsou, P., Völlink, Trijntje (2012). Tackling cyberbullying: Review of empirical evidence regarding successful strategies. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 6, 283-293.
Funding Records
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LD11008 Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports
COST ACTION IS0801 União Europeia