Artigo em revista científica
The drivers of intellectual sustainability in a regional agriculture, cattle, and forest farmstead
Ilídio Tomás Lopes (Lopes, I. T.);
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International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development
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Intellectual capital drivers emerge in the national and regional economies as a key source of integrated sustainability. The company analyzed in the case study is the largest Portuguese agriculture, cattle, and forest farmstead, covering several marshlands. As the largest agricultural company, its primary mission is the cost effectiveness and efficient management of their agricultural and environmental heritage, in respect for biodiversity and for environmental values. Located in the region of Lisbon and Tagus valley, the diversity of their activities (forest exploration; hunting; agriculture; wines and olive oil production; and tourism) requires an integrated research towards the identification and disclosure of drivers that best contribute for company reputation and turnover. Through a descriptive and interpretive case study approach, a set of intellectual sustainability drivers (e.g. forest’s certification, brands’ certifications, commercial brands, commercial agreements, R&D projects, protected areas classification, etc.) were identified and categorized. All of them were aggregated in five categories, such as Certification, Brands and Trademarks, Awards, Alliances and Networks, and Biodiversity Reputation. As a regional and national source of economic development, that categorization can also provide the basis for a theoretical framework towards the design of an intellectual sustainability scoreboard, applicable to similar organizations worldwide.
Intellectual capital, Agriculture, Sustainability, Intellectual property, Regional development
  • Economia e Gestão - Ciências Sociais