Publicação em atas de evento científico
The evolution and future perspective of security in mobile communications networks
João Pedro Pavia (Pavia, J.); Diogo Alexandre Rodigues Lopes (Lopes, D.); Pedro Miguel Carvalho Cristóvão (Cristóvão, P.); Pedro Sebastião (Sebastião, P.); Américo Correia (Correia, A.);
2017 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT)
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N.º de citações: 2

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N.º de citações: 5

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N.º de citações: 12

(Última verificação: 2025-01-07 06:33)

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This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of security aspects of the second (2G), third (3G) and fourth generation (4G) mobile communications networks for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) technologies, respectively. The security architecture is analyzed considering the security mechanisms available for each technology and addressing the main threats/risks, and the ways to mitigate the vulnerabilities encountered. The security perspectives for the fifth generation (5G) mobile communications networks and IoT will also be addressed.
GSM,UMTS,LTE,5G,UE,eNodeB,Mobile security
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais
  • Engenharia Civil - Engenharia e Tecnologia
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
UID/EEA/50008/2013 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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