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Timber-framing construction in Herculaneum archaeological site: characterisation and main reasons for its diffusion
Título Revista
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Estados Unidos da América
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Timber-framing is the most common mixed construction technique utilised by Romans and many
other builders throughout history. However, archaeological evidence is scarce due to the overlapping
urban land use and the perishability of the wooden skeleton.
This paper focuses on timber frame wall — opus craticium — from Herculaneum, examined
through a literature review and on-site analysis.
The aim of this research is shedding light on the reasons for the diffusion of opus craticium
through a critical analysis of Vesuvian archaeological evidence, among which the best-known is
Casa a Graticcio (Insula III, 13–15, Herculaneum). The dichotomy between the written transmission
of this technique and the construction practice in the Augustan epoch is also discussed.
It is shown how the pervasiveness of this technique in Herculaneum arises from multiple
reasons: firstly, the strong demand of new constructions and the need of heavy repairs during the
Augustan Principate. Additionally, the anaerobic conditions resulting from the specific on-site
burial in 79 AD allowed the conservation of the timber-framing.
Classificação Fields of Science and Technology
- Engenharia Civil - Engenharia e Tecnologia
- Artes - Humanidades
- Outras Humanidades - Humanidades
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