Scientific journal paper Q3
Using an Interactive Self-Assessment Tool to strengthen your employee assistance service
Liliana Dias (Dias, L.); Audrey Eertmans (Eertmans, A.); Inge Van den Brande (Van den Brande, I.); Yasmin Handaja (Handaja, Y.); Sofie Taeymans (Taeymans, S.); Debora Vansteenwegen (Vansteenwegen, D.);
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Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health
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United Kingdom
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ISAT was developed by ISW Limits, a spin-off of the University of Leuven (Belgium). It stands for Interactive Self-Assessment Tool, which is an online screening about well-being at work. ISAT provides employees with individual feedback about their mental health and well-being at work. In addition, the tool provides tailored self-management advice as well as information about how and where to get support from the employer and the Employee Assistance Program provider. To the employers, ISAT offers group results in order to help companies target interventions.
Employee assistance,Wellbeing,Stress,Online tools,Self-assessment
  • Health Sciences - Medical and Health Sciences
  • Psychology - Social Sciences