Publication Detailed Description
Using Intelligent Systems to Improve Case Flow in Court Systems
Book Title
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Year (definitive publication)
United Kingdom
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Courts of Law often take so long to produce final decisions. The
reasons why court cases do not flow faster have already been approached, but
literature in scarce in exploring how to enhance that flow. This paper aims at
identifying ways to make legal cases flow faster through the legal process and
increase courts’ value proposition from a technological perspective. Research is
based on a flow and value approach. Two procedures are compared, a national
Civil Declarative Procedure and the European Small Claims Procedure. Court
procedures are analyzed from the perspective of its process’ activities and human
intervention. Findings point that delays of court cases occurs mainly due to direct
human intervention, particularly from the judge the case is assigned to, and that
the activities involved can be performed based on pre-defined rules. Recommendations
are produced on how to improve court procedures’ customer value using
intelligent systems.
Process management · Court procedures · Value · I;
Fields of Science and Technology Classification
- Physical Sciences - Natural Sciences