Lista de Comunicações

Esta é a lista das comunicações mais recentes. Para saber mais detalhes sobre uma comunicação, clique no seu título.

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2023 Barros, R. S.; Research on Balanced Scorecard for Public and Non-profit Organizations: Design, Implementation, and Features XXII Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium
2023 Barros, R. S.; Discussant de: "Science mapping on gender parity law and political equality: emphasis on portuguese governments studies" XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium
2023 Asensio, M.; The Impact of Training on the Good Quality of Public Services. The case of the Portuguese Public Administration IIAS-SEAPP Doha Conference: Developmental States and Professionalization of Public Administration and Public Policy, 6-9th February 2023
2023 Sousa, M.; Asensio, M.; Innovation Skills Development for Dynamic Public Governance Models IIAS-SEAPP Doha Conference: Developmental States and Professionalization of Public Administration and Public Policy, 6-9th February 2023
2023 Bento, P.; Crespo, N.; Reto, L.; Cooperative Banking and Regional and Local Development: the Portuguese case CIRIEC International - International Symposium
2023 de Mello-Sampayo, F.; The Timing to Exit the Lockdown without a Surge of COVID-19 Cases 42nd EBES Conference, European Business and Economic Society
2023 Allahkaram, S.; Monteiro, F. A.; Chatzigeorgiou, I; URLLC with Coded Massive MIMO via Random Linear Codes and GRAND 33º Seminário Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM)
2023 Pavoni, A.; the problem with urban violence: on infra-structures and atmospheres Economic and Political Worlds research group seminar, at Cardiff University
2023 Margato, G.; «Vivó Maio, Vivó Maio» - Identidades e discursos simbólicos nos Ranchos de Maio do Baixo Mondego I Congresso Ibero-Americano de História Local
2023 Coelho, J. V.; What counts as willing mobility? Exploring employee willingness for global work assignments. 3rd International Conference on Research in Human Resource Management (ICRHRM)