Lista de Comunicações

Esta é a lista das comunicações mais recentes. Para saber mais detalhes sobre uma comunicação, clique no seu título.

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2023 Oliveira, Luísa Tiago de; Hitos de la Historia Oral en Portugal VII Seminario Internacional. Construyendo una red ibérica de historia oral, Bilbau, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU, Bizkaia Aretoa.
2023 Santana Pereira, J.; Nina, Susana Rogeiro; Hugo Lopes; Exposure to Polls and Subjective Perception of Poll Results as Predictors of Strategic Voting and Mobilization: The Case of Portugal, 2022 27th IPSA World Congress of Political Science
2023 Cancela, J.; Santana Pereira, J.; Do Voters and Non-Voters Hold Similar Preferences towards Taxation? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Portugal 27th IPSA World Congress of Political Science
2023 Canha, S.; Reproducing cultural ideas about the role of the family in LTC policies: the creation of the Portuguese Informal Caregiver Status Transforming Care Conference 2023 - Sheffield
2023 Tomé, V.; Um olhar sobre eleições em contexto de desinformação e de algoritmos criados por máquinas O esclarecimento eleitoral e as novas técnicas e tecnologias – reflexão sobre 'fake news' e IA nas eleições (12/02/2023)
2023 Tomé, V.; Crespo, M.; Tackling disinformation in K-12 through in-service teacher training and journalists’training: preliminary results from the Iberifier Hub Global Media Education Summit (2-4 March 2023)
2023 Lobzhanidze, S; Sikharulidze, M.; Urchukhishvili, G; Tomé, V.; Digital Citizenship Education: perceptions on the concept, self-reported competences and practices of Georgian school society Global Media Education Summit (2-4 March 2023)
2023 Yonty Friesem; Silke Grafe; Igor Kanizaj; Maria Ranieri; Tomé, V.; Renee, H.; Creating Professional Learning Communities for Media Literacy Education Global Media Education Summit (2-4 March 2023)
2023 Oliveira, I.; Bernardes, S.F.; Garrido, M. V.; Carvalho, H.; Interoceptive sensibility in chronic pain adjustment XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology - Building Bridges: Psychology in an interconnected, unequal and changing world
2023 Oliveira, I.; Bernardes, S.F.; Garrido, M. V.; Carvalho, H.; Notar ou ignorar o corpo? Perfis de sensibilidade interoceptiva no paciente com dor crónica 30º ASTOR Congress on Pain Medicine