Comunicação em evento científico
Learning dynamics in the Public Sector: The Relationship Between Employee Learning and Training in the Public Administration of EU Countries
Maria Asensio (Asensio, M.);
Título Evento
AMG-ENCG: 4th International Conference of the Moroccan Association of Management , 13th-14th March 2023
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The relationship between employee learning and training in the public administration of EU countries is a critical component of maintaining an effective and efficient public sector. Employee learning and training are crucial for improving performance, enhancing skills, increasing job satisfaction, and promoting innovation in the public sector. Overall, EU countries place a strong emphasis on employee learning and training in the public sector as a means of improving public administration performance and promoting the public interest. While the specifics of employee learning and training programs vary between countries, there are many commonalities in the approaches taken, reflecting a shared commitment to ongoing learning and development in the public sector.
Learning dynamics,European Union countries,Public Administration