Research Projects
Inquérito Socioeconómico aos Estudantes do Ensino Superior em Portugal – EUROSTUDENT VII
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Memória das Ciências Sociais em Portugal
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Follow-up and analysis of PICCLE (Intervention Plan Competent Citizens in Reading and Writing)
This study aims to monitor and analyze the PICCLE - Intervention Plan for Citizens Competent in Reading and Writing, a project of the National Reading Plan (PNL2027). Specifically, it aims to design and implement a tool for monitoring and evaluating the results of the use of the digital platform developed under PICCLE, focusing on its application in a number of pilot schools.
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Socioeconomic Survey of Higher Education Students in Portugal in 2017
Socioeconomic Survey of Higher Education Students in Portugal in 2017 The overall objective of this project is to produce knowledge about the living conditions of students of higher education, allowing, for each of the subsystems (university and polytechnic), to obtain scientifically valid information at national level and comparable at European level (this project is being developed under the European Project Eurostudent).  The main thematic dimensions of student characterization are: A - Demographics; B - Transition and access; C - Types and modalities of study; D - Social background; E - Accommodation; F – Students expenses; G – Students income; H - Employment and time budgets; I - Mobility and internationalization; J - Assessment of Studies and Future Plans.
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Social Inequalities: Portugal and Europe
Transversal scientific project that includes several research groups from CIES-IUL whose main objective is to relate the problems of social inequalities with different dimensions and sectors of the Portuguese society, based on comparative analysis at the European level. The project's main outputs are: the organization and editing of a collective book, the organization of an international colloquium, the creation of an internet page, the production of short thematic films.
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Dialogues of scientists and citizens
Through the analysis of different empirical fields, the project aims to explore the realities and potentialities of the dialogues between scientists and citizens in contemporary societies, contributing to the advancement of knowledge about modes of relation to science, in a perspective of social progress, social responsibility and the cognitive and democratic empowerment of citizens.
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PROCLEU: Social Classes and Inequalities in Contemporary European Society
The analysis of social inequalities is one of the most important instruments for understanding the current European reality. The present project intends to contribute to this analysis, through a set of innovative contributions, both theoretical-conceptual and methodological-operative. The research is based on extensive and comparative analysis supported by international databases such as the European Social Survey, EU-SILC and others. The analysis emphasizes the systemic and multidimensional intersections between the 'class-country' structural segments and the integrated distributions of income, education, gender and age in Europe's social space.
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Looking in to the future: effects of the crisis on the reconfiguration of income and consumption of middle class families in Portugal
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The Network Society in Portugal: a Decade of Transition
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The Integration of PhD Researchers into Research Units: Hosting Conditions, Forms of Integration, Expectations for the Future
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Estudantes do Ensino Superior e Empréstimos com Garantia Mútua
The main goal of this research is to monitor and to evaluate the ongoing impact of the Portuguese Mutual Guarantee Loans System directed to higher education students. It will be focused on the social and economic portrayal of higher educations students who use this programme, but also on the articulation and complementary of the programme with the public support provided by the state. This study aims also at identifying the parameters and results of similar initiatives existing in other national contexts, namely in OECD countries, which can be compared with the impact and the reach of the Portuguese mutual guarantee loans’ programme.
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Leitura, Escola e Sociedade: Estudos de Avaliação do Plano Nacional de Leitura
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Observatório das Desigualdades
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Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) - Portugal
The aim of the project is to assure the participation of Portugal on PIAAC, a large scale assessment. PIAAC is an International study, promoted by OECD, aiming to assess adult competencies. A survey will be conducted in about 30 OECD country members to measure skills of literacy, numeracy and problem solving in rich technology environments, among the population between 16 and 65 years old. The assessment will be available and undertaken in two different formats: paper or computer based.
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Cientistas Sociais de Países de Língua Portuguesa: Histórias de Vida
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Learning to Learn
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The Economic Value of The Portuguese Language
The aim of this project is to estimate the direct economic value of the Portuguese language (now and in the future) in the context of globalization. Economic and entrepreneurial activities involving the use of the Portuguese in the fields of teaching, culture and media will be taken into consideration for empirical research.
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The awardees of Gulbenkian’s Stimulus for Research Program
Taking the awardees of Gulbenkian’s Stimulus for Research Program as reference, the project aims to analyse the academic and professional careers of young Portuguese researchers, focusing on the emergence of scientific vocations and on the current contexts and dynamics of science in the Portuguese society. More specifically, the project is based on the following procedures: documentary analysis of the application files and the present awardees’ CVs, biographical interviews and interviews to the jury members.
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Students and their Trajectories in Higher Education: Success and Attrition, Factors and Processes, Fostering Best Practices
This projects aims at identifying and analysing typical trajectories of success, failure and dropping-out among higher education students, relating them to structural and institutional parameters, and looking for explanatory factors and best practices. The scope of the project is nationwide and it spreads through the various Portuguese higher education subsystems. The analysis is carried out at three levels: structural, institutional and biographical, using statistical sources, surveys, institutional documents and in-depth interviews. The project is included in the programme “The Promotion of Educational Success and the Fight against Dropping-Out and Failure in Higher Education” of MCTES (Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) and is supported by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology). The research team is formed on the basis of a consortium between CIES-ISCTE and ISFLUP, and has also the cooperation of other higher education institutions and students’ unions.
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Evaluation Study of the National Reading Plan
The project aims at producing a first set of assessment items of the PNL (National Reading Plan), regarding its implementation, the attitudes towards reading of different public sectors, and the PNL impacts in fostering reading and literacy. The final goal is to design a proposal for an Evaluation System of the National Reading Plan. A mixed method approach is used, combining documentary analyses, surveys, interviews and case studies.
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Eurostudent 2005
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Life Patterns: Profiles and Trends in Contemporary Portuguese Society.
To produce a set of innovative developments within the ambit of that which, in operational terms, we can call the social characterisation of populations. At the heart of the project is our intention to combine new theoetical proposals with the exploration of a number of new possibilities offered by the use of empirical information.
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The Modernization of Social Structures: Social Recomposition, New Values, Emerging Protagonisms
It is intended that this project should fill in certain significant lacunae in the treatment of a suject as important as that of the processes of modernization in contemporary Portuguese society.  The central objective of this project is to proceed towards a sociological analysis, strongle rooted in the theoretical field and solidly supported by empirical evidence, of the processes of reshaping of the social structures which are at present affecting Portuguese society.
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Competitiveness and Social Exclusion: the Metropolitan Areas of Lisboa and Porto
The purpose of this project is the establishment of an observation and analysis implement on the two central processes which are transforming the portuguese development pattern: the recombination process of the competitive factors which is giving raise to new factors such as quality, flexibility and strategic capacity as a result of the internationalization; the production process of new forms of social exclusion.
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