Research Projects
Doctoral Education in Portugal: What Future?
Doctoral education in Portugal has undergone structural and institutional changes, resulting in new and diverse educational and research designs. Doctoral education in Portugal has undergone structural and institutional changes, resulting in new and diverse educational and research designs. These changes have affected doctoral programmes significantly. Some of the main debates regarding recent changes revolve around tailor-made programmes for individuals versus compulsory, pre-structured courses; basic research skills versus transferable skills; degree duration and expected completion times; different forms of financial support; innovative support practices and programmes; types of academic guidance and training opportunities; and the impact of digitalisation. Other trends include the expansion of collaborative partnerships and international exchanges, such as university-industry partnerships, cooperation with other sectors of society, and international associations between similar universities. These changes are centred around students' motivations, experiences, purposes, and achievements. It is also necessary to consider their future orientation, taking account to doctorate education elsewhere.
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Negotiating Livelihoods under transformative politics: crisis, policies and practices in Portugal 2008-2018
In the last decade Portugal had three governments with very different political orientations and proposals for the legislative organization of society, each one claiming to initiate a process of transformative politics that would have a positive impact upon Portuguese society. Social policies, legislation on labor, health, education, housing and security have been profoundly altered with each legislative change, impacting in different ways upon the institutions concerned and upon people’s lives. Furthermore, the economic crisis has engendered a crisis in the European model, which are inter-related and reveal a breakdown of social reproduction which puts into question redistribution models both at the macro (market, State), meso (mediating institutions and actors) and micro-scales of social interaction (families, social networks). LIVEPOLITICS focus on the different ways citizens experience the policies which govern their lives in a daily basis, how they implement them and what kind of negotiations can take place in the framework of moral economies. Through a detailed examination of the ways by which specific actors in diverse sectors of society experience legislation and policy orientations through a range of institutions, this project focuses on how perceptions of the legitimacy of policies emerge through policy implementation and negotiation within a wider analytical context of the workings moral economies. The project will focus on: 1) Livelihoods, policies, everyday life strategies; 2) Grassroots economics – definition, value and care regimes, interpretation and ways out of crisis; 3) Public policies, from conception, implementation and impact upon institutions and citizens. The project aims at reflecting on how different sectors of the Portuguese society experience their livelihoods through a permanent relation with state institutions throughout a decade of profound sociopolitical transformations. The strategies to overcome difficulties of provision under an au...
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