Projetos de Investigação
European market environment in the construction sector on sector. Enhancing the free movement of posted workers in EU
The project is an ‘evidence’ type of action addressing the need to enhance the implementation and correct application of Directive 96/71/EC, as amended by Directive (EU) 2018/957, and of Directive 2014/67/EU in the light of risks of vulnerability of posted workers due to COVID-19 and possible similar crises. Results shall inform policymaking on how specificities of posted workers can be dealt with in case similar emergencies arise in the future. The action targets mainly: Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Spain through a network of sectoral funds (CNCE, ULAK, FLC Asturias, CASOC, and the umbrella organisation AEIP), research institutes/universities (FGB, ISCTE IUL) and a trade union (ZZ Budowlani). The lead applicant, CNCE, besides being directly involved in research activities, will coordinate the action with the support of FGB, tasked with scientific coordination, and of AEIP for dissemination activities. In addition, country-level research activities will be undertaken by ULAK for Germany, ISCTE-IUL for Portugal, ZZ Budowlani for Poland, and FLC Asturias for Spain. CNCE will hire an external researcher for Romania, to be supported by the associate organisation CASOC. Beyond having a balanced representation of sending and hosting countries, the action will focus on the construction sector, albeit exploring transferability of final results to other sectors. The action will deliver a set of reports: inquiring the impact of COVID-19 on posted workers (EU Report and 6 country reports), assessing measures meant to counteract the related negative effects (EU Handbook), exploring new tools to inquire pay, travel and accommodation arrangements offered to posted workers (Discussion Paper), and promoting procedures to be phased in quickly in case of risk of pandemics to address the particular position of posted workers (EU Toolkit and Final Report). 
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Parceiros do Projeto
Youth Employment Skill set in Posting
The  project  encompasses ‘cooperation’,  ‘information’  and  ‘evidence’  activities concerning  posting  in  relation  with  skill  and  skill  recognition  in  the  construction sector. The action targets  mainly:  Italy, Germany, Spain  (plus  a  focus on  Autonomous Community   of  Asturias),  Portugal,  Poland,  and  Albany  with  the support  of European  Association  of  Paritarian  Institutions  (AEIP) organisation  to  reinforce dissemination  potentialities  beyond  this set of core countries. The  action  is  led  by  CNCE,  with  the  support  of  FGB,  and  involves  a  partner  in each covered  country -ISCTE-IUL  (Portugal),ULAK (Germany),Notus  (Spain), FLC  Asturias  (Spain),  ZZ  Budowlani  (Poland),  Polis  (Albania) -plus  AEIP,  as European  level  partner.The  action will  be  managed  by  CNCE  with  the  support  of  FGB.  In  addition,  for each work  package a coordinator  is indicated, assigning  AEIP  the task of leading dissemination,  and  dividing  the others between CNCE,  holding  coordination  tasks and  leading  activities  where  the  involvement   of  institutional  stakeholders  is crucial, and FGB,  managing  the more  research-oriented phases.The project aims  at improving  the understanding  of challenges  and opportunities concerning  posting  in  relation  with  skill  and  skill  recognition  in  the  construction sector,  and  at  identifying  solutions  to  remove  related  obstacles  to  fair  labour mobility  while  contributing  to a  decent work  agenda.Inparticular,  the  project answers   the   following    specific   objectives:(i) to   promote    transnational cooperation   between   stakeholders   dealing   with   posting;(ii) to   increase accessibility, transparency and quality  of information  available  to posted workers and their  employers;(iii)  to  promote  evidence  basis  on  skills  as  a  driver  for posting,  understanding  as well  related  barriers  and  opportunities.
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Parceiros do Projeto
ISA - Information Sharing Agreements - Building EU agreements for the posting of workers in the construction sector
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Oportunidade para mudar
Promoção do voluntariado universitário na prevenção da violência entre crianças e jovens, a partir da experiência do UBICOOL. O projecto liderado pela CooLabora envolve Portugal, Macedónia, Itália e Alemanha.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries
Economic inequalities, social exclusion, discrimination against minorities, cultural resistance and disruption of social cohesion – these are all key concerns in the current European and global agenda, both in scholarly work and policy-making. RESISTANCE aims at analysing these issues by focusing on the processes of resistance carried out by social actors that have been historically disadvantaged, discriminated against and dominated. By using a concept of resistance that connects continued and less visible forms of resistance, cultural dissent and violent revolts, the ultimate goal of RESISTANCE is to produce a reinterpretation of the universe of “the dominated”. RESISTANCE will provide an understanding of how these actors could influence processes of social change, either by opening up societies to diversity and making them more inclusive and equal, or, conversely, by causing the increase of repression. Rooted in the disciplinary field of history, RESISTANCE uses the past as a laboratory for the analysis. Focusing on the former Portuguese and Spanish empires, this project privileges a comparative approach in time and space in order to investigate an extended time frame (sixteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries) and a spatial framework that encompasses Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. The past experiences of their societies, strongly grounded on ethnic, social, economic, cultural, religious, and gender inequality, still shape current political and social dynamics. RESISTANCE is led by the University of Évora, and made up of seven beneficiary universities in Portugal, Spain and Germany, plus six universities in third countries (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mexico and USA). In addition to academic-type deliverables, RESISTANCE proposes an extensive range of dissemination and communication outputs specifically targeted at wide-ranging audiences (schools, museums, international agencies, think tanks, policy-makers, and more).
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Parceiros do Projeto
Plano de Igualdade de Género da Câmara Municipal da Covilhã
Este projeto consiste na elaboração do diagnóstico organizacional de género da câmara municipal da Covilhã. Foi acionada uma metodologia de cariz predominantemente quantitativo com recurso a inquérito por questionário e análise estatística de dados secundários mas também técnicas qualitativas (análise documental, observação e entrevistas). Os resultados deste diagnóstico permitirão um retrato da organização em termos de igualdade de género e como tal irão informar a decisão política e servir de base ao desenvolvimento do plano de igualdade da autarquia. Equipa:  Catarina Sales Oliveira (Pólo CIES-UBI) e Sabrina Aparício (UBI)
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Parceiros do Projeto
EU Post Lab: Developing experiences of administrative cooperation and enhanced access to information in the framework of the posting of workers
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