Professional Associations
Association Period
APAI - Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia Industrial Since 1993
APA Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia Since 1990
Organization/Coordination of Events
Type of Organization/Coordination Event Type Event Title Organizer Period
Member of scientific event committee Conference Trade unionism, work and citizenship: 90 years after 18 January 1934 Universidade de Lisboa; ISCTE-IUL 2024
Scientific Editing/Reviewing Activities
Type of Activity Journal Title Journal ISSN Quartile Period Language
Scientific journal editor Etnográfica 2182-2891 Q2 Since 2009 Portuguese
Diffusion Activities
Activity Type Event Title Activity Description Year
Publication in general diffusion news outlet The time capsule - Part IV: 1944-1945: review of a school year Piece in a school newspaper, aimed at secondary school students and the general public. 2024
Publication in general diffusion news outlet The time capsule - Part III. A school imprisoned (but...) in dictatoriship's Portugal Piece in a school newspaper, aimed at secondary school students and the general public. 2024
Publication in general diffusion news outlet The time capsule - Part II. Timetables, subjects and exams in 1944-1945 Piece in a school newspaper, aimed at secondary school students and the general public. 2024
Publication in general diffusion news outlet The Time Capsule... Part I: Secondary School Students in Marinha Grande in 1944 Text in a school newspaper, aimed at secondary school students and the general public. 2023
Coordination of knowledge diffusion event Chatting with women from Marinha Grande: life, resistance and labour struggle Panel with former women glassworkers. Opening presentation and panel moderation. In the frame of the commemorations of the uprising of January 18, 1934, org Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Vidreira. Marinha Grande, 18/01/2022 2022
Talk/Conference in public diffusion event The uprising of the 18th Jnauary 1934: a legacy for our time 2020
Product Type Product Title Detailed Description Year
Other Products Artistas na Fábrica - art and history exhibition Researcher and (w/ Raquel Henriques da Silva) curator for the Artistas na Fábrica exhibition 2024