CV Summary

1) Education:
Bsc Social and Organizacional Psychology - ISPA 1989
Msc Organizational behaviour - ISPA 2003
Phd Management - HRM ISCTE IUL 2010
2) Professional Activity's (non academic):
1990-1991 Training and Recruitment chief - LAR Regional airlines
1991-1993 Human Resources manager - Lar Regional airlines
1992-1993 Training manager - ODS Iberica
1993 Human Resources manager - Euroair SA 1993 Human Tesources manager - SERVICE AIR SA
1993-1997 Trainer - ICL, HCL, Hotel Roma, Páteo Alfacinha, Hotel do Mar, Hospital de São José, Hospital de vila Franca, Group A. Robalo, Centro de medicina física e reabilitação de Alcoitão, ARS Norte, ISSS, Sta Casa Misericordia.
1993-1997 HRM consultant
2000-2002 Consultant - Fernave
1997-2008 - Manager - DSHO Lda
3) Academic work
2020 - until now:  
ECTS coordenator Dept RHCO IBS
2005- until now - Researcher at Business Research Unit (BRU) ISCTE IUL
- until now:  Teatcher at ISCTE IUL (senior teacher assistant since 2010) - IBS RH&CO Department 
2009 - 2019:  Languages and soft skills lab director ISCTE IUL
2002-2004 Guest speaker - IADE Photography department
1996-2004 Lecturer FCUL Lisbon
1993 a 1996 Assistant ULHT Psychology Department and HRM department 1994-1995 Guest speaker - ESE Lisbon
1995-1996 Lecturer - ESSS, Lisbon
1994-1996 Lecturer- ESCS Lisboa
1991-1995 Guest speaker - ISPA
1990-1993 Lecturer ISHT Lisbon

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
RHCO - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Gestão - Espec. ODRH 2003 - 2009
Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada
Psicologia social e das Organizações - Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Comportamento Organizacional 1993 - 1997
Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada
Psicologia social e das Organizações - Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciate Psicologia 1989
Research Interests
Competencies appraisal and development
Soft skills/competencies in higher eduction
HRM - Competencies in HRM
Organizacional behaviour
Technological work
Teleworking and virtual teams
E-learning, E-training and blended learning
tourism and hospitality - job profiles
Psychology Social Sciences
Economics and Business Social Sciences
Other Social Sciences Social Sciences
Other Humanities Humanities