Isabel Alexandra de Figueiredo Falcão Correia
217650220 (Ext. 220129)
Office AA1.14
Post Box 114-B
CV Summary

I have a Degree in Psychology from the University of Lisbon in 1990, and since 1993 I have developed my academic career at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Master in Management and Human Resource Policy, 1995;  PhD in Social Psychology in 2001, Habilitation in 2010) and my research activities at the ISCTE-IUL Center for Research and Social Intervention.

My research focuses mainly on the factors and mechanisms that explain the legitimacy of injustice and victimization, including the phenomenon of "blaming the victim". This research is theoretically framed by the Belief in a Just World Theory, whose development and consolidation I have contributed to, especially in what refers to the legitimation of the injustices that happen to the members of our group. I have also developed research on the predictive value of the fundamental need to perceive the world as just to various indicators of well-being. My research has been published in international and national journals,  and has also been done in collaboration with master and doctoral students under my supervision.



Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Superior Ciências Trabalho e da Empresa
Aggregation Psicologia Social e das Organizações 2010
ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Superior Ciências Trabalho e da Empresa
PhD Psicologia Social e Organizacional 2001
ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Superior Ciências Trabalho e da Empresa
M.Sc. Políticas e Gestão de Recursos Humanos 1995
Faculdade Psicologia Ciências da Educação - UL
Licenciate Psicologia 1990
Research Interests
Psicologia Social da Justiça
Percepção de vítimas
Teoria da Crença no Mundo Justo