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Joana Lopes Marcelino
Research Projects
Mobilisation of REsources for Public Engagement with science and technology
MORE-PE 'Mobilising Resources for Public Engagement' aims to examine how research institutions are engaging society. The ultimate goal is to develop indicators for assessing public engagement at the institutional level. In particular, the project aims to assemble a global database of comparable data on the culture of public engagement at academic institutions, and includes collaborators in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. The team conducted national studies in Portugal, UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, the US, Brazil, Japan, and China, applying a questionnaire survey to a representative sample of research institutions in each country. The project brings together a team experienced in methodologies and large scale nationally and internationally representative sample surveys applied to PUS and team members in each member country. The project, coordinated by Marta Entradas (PI), is funded by the national research agency FCT (170.000 euros) (ref: PTDC/IVC-COM/0290/2014).
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