Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2024/2025 Optical Communication Systems Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2024/2025 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2023/2024 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2023/2024 Optical Communication Systems Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2023/2024 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering; No
2023/2024 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2022/2023 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2022/2023 Optical Communication Systems Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2022/2023 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (PL); Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2022/2023 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2021/2022 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2021/2022 Optical Communication Systems Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2021/2022 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering; Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; No
2021/2022 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2020/2021 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2020/2021 Optical Communication Systems Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2020/2021 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Management; Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2020/2021 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
2019/2020 Advanced Optical Fibre Telecommunication Systems Institutional Degree in Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura; Yes
2019/2020 Guided Communication Systems -- Yes
2019/2020 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (PL); Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering; Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; No
2019/2020 Modulation and Coding Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering; Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (2)
Ongoing (2)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Bruno Rafael Pereira Pinheiro Portuguese Developing Iscte --
Bruno Rafael Pereira Pinheiro Inter-core crosswalk limitations in coherent detection multicore fiber-based transmission systems English Developing Iscte 2022
M.Sc. Dissertations (26)
Ongoing (3)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Catarina da Silva Costa Vieira Jara ROADM architectures for future high-capacity SDM/MB optical networks Developing Iscte 2024
Mariana Silva Marques Physical layer modelling in future SDM/MB optical networks Developing Iscte 2024
Tomás Isidro Martins High core-count multi-core fiber design for short-reach optical links Developing Iscte 2024
Concluded (23)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
André Filipe Aldeinhas Ribeiro Cost-effective ROADM architectures for SDM optical networks English Iscte 2024 2024
Rodrigo Francisco Guerreiro GNPy-based planning tool for survivable multi-band optical networks English Iscte 2023 2024
João Frederico de Almeida Raposo do Ó Ramos ROADM architectures for multi-band optical networks English Iscte 2022 2023
Margarida Isabel Carreto Vaz Exploring ILP and heuristic formulations for planning multiband optical networks English Iscte 2022 2022
Marco Quiteres da Silva Impact of physical layer impairments on SDM networks based on ROADM nodes English Iscte 2020 2021
Filipa Ferreira Gomes Impact of physical layer impairments on multi-band metro networks English Iscte 2020 2021
Pedro Afonso Fernandes Fonseca Graph coloring techniques for planning dynamic optical networks English Iscte 2020 2021
Sofia Pérsio de Eugénio Esteves CNN-based eye pattern analysis and BER prediction in PAM4 inter-datacenter optical connections impaired by intercore crosstalk English Iscte 2021 2021
Inês Ferreira Gomes Exploring optimal solutions for planning optical networks with graph coloring techniques. English Iscte 2020 2021
Pedro Daniel Santo Venda Gaussian noise model for multiband optical networks over the C and L bands English Iscte 2020 2021
Ana Margarida Filipe Domingues Capacity Limits of Crosstalk-limited Multi-core Fiber Systems English Iscte 2018 2020
Inês Maria Leandro Duarte Exploring Graph Coloring Heuristics for Optical Networks Planning English Iscte 2019 2020
Diogo Miguel Cigarro Morão Impact of physical layer impairments on large ROADM architectures English Iscte 2019 2020
Rafael Alexandre Domingues Dias Transmission of PAM4 signals in amplified inter-datacenters connections with direct-detection and multicore fibers limited by inter-core crosstalk. English Iscte 2019 2020
Paulo José da Costa Marinho Pereira Superchannel transmission over flexible-grid optical networks English Iscte 2017 2019
Inês Costa Jorge Transmission of 4-PAM signals in intra-datacenters connections with direct-detectionand multicore fibers limited by inter-core crosstalk English Iscte 2018 2019
Carlos Jorge da Cruz Rodrigues Optical Network Planning for Static Applications English Iscte 2018 2018
André Filipe Simões da Silva Marques Transmission of 5G Signals in Multicore Fibers Impaired by Inter-Core Crosstalk Portuguese Iscte 2018 2018
Diogo Gonçalo Sequeira Impact of In-Band Crosstalk in an Optical Network Based on Multi-Degree CDC ROADMs English Iscte 2015 2017
Hélio Ferreira Paulo Simeão On the performance of M-QAM optical signals in ROADM based Optical Networks English Iscte 2013 2016
Gonçalo Miguel da Silva Horta Planning tool for fiber optic communication systems: Acess and Transport network English Iscte 2014 2015
Bruno Rafael Pereira Pinheiro Impact of in-band Crosstalk on the performance of PDM-QPSK Optical Communication Systems English Iscte 2013 2015
Genádio João Faria Martins Estudo do Impacto do Crosstalk em Sistemas de Comunicação Optica DPSK com detecção directa através de uma simulação de monte carlo Portuguese Iscte 2011 2012