João Maria de Paiva Ventura Trindade
Office C7.05
CV Summary

(Évora, 1972)

Graduated in architecture at ESBAL/FAUTL, Lisbon, Portugal (1995).

Founded his own architectural office in 2005.

He collaborated at João Luís Carrilho da Graça´s office, in Lisbon, between 1993 and 2003, being the coordinator of the studio from 1998.

In 2003 and 2004 he was a consultant to the Ministry of the Environment for the management of the Reference Projects of the Polis Program, within which the pedestrian bridges of Coimbra (Cecil Balmond/ Adão da Fonseca) and Covilhã (Adão da Fonseca/ Carrilho da Graça), or the sculpture on the south entrance of Matosinhos (Janet Echelman/ Souto de Moura) were built, among others.

Guest Professor of Architecture at Faculdade de Arquitectura – Lusíada’s University of Lisbon, between 1997 and 2009, at Evora’s University from 2009, at the Escuela Superior de Arquitectura, Madrid - Spain in 2011, at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon from 2015.

Invite-Teacher in seminars, workshops and juries at Academia d’Archittetura di Mendrizio, Politecnico di Milano,  Instituto Universitário di Archittetura di Venezia, Universitá degli Studi di Trieste, Universitá degli Studi di Reggio Calabria, Laboratorio di Archittetura di Mantova, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, and in some other portuguese and foreign institutions of architecture.

In 2009 the studio received the FAD ARCHITECTURE AWARD – Barcelona, Spain with its first built public project.

Was also prized in the VII BIENAL IBEROAMERICANA DE ARQUITECTURA 2010,  Medellin, Colombia.

Was finalist in the AR AWARDS 2009 granted in London at the Royal Institute of British Architects, in the 2010 SECIL PRIZE of Architecture, Portugal, nominated for the 2010 IAKOV CHERNIKHOV PRIZE for young architects, granted by the Iakov Chernikhov Foundation in Moscow, Russia, with the PREMIO DI ARCHITETTURA SOSTENIBILE of the Ferrara University, Italy and for the 2011 MIES VAN DER ROHE European Architecture Award, Barcelona, Spain. 

In 2014 received in Portugal the National Prize of Rehabilitation - IRHU 2013, together with Inês Lobo, whose jury was chaired by Eduardo Souto de Moura.

In 2016 the studio was one of the five selected teams for the final stage of the international competition Montelungo-Coleoni in Bergamo, Italy, among David Chipperfield, Barozzi&Veiga and others.

The studio represented Portugal at the 24th World Congress of Architecture / UIA2011 Tokyo and the 9th International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo, Brazil, integrating the exhibition "Tradition is Innovation", also exhibited at Mimesis Musem in South Korea.

It has integrated several selections and exhibitions of Portuguese architecture as "Portuguese Architecture - Discretion is the new Visibility", exhibited at the 10th Biennial of Architecture of São Paulo, Brazil, and at the Camões Institute, Lisbon.

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