José Carlos de Castro Pinto
217903290 (Ext. 777071)
Office D4.24
Post Box 162
Teaching Activities
Teaching Year Semester Course Name Degree(s) Coordinator
2024/2025 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2023/2024 Statistics II Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2023/2024 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2022/2023 Statistics II Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2022/2023 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2021/2022 Statistics II Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2021/2022 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2020/2021 Statistics II Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2020/2021 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2019/2020 Statistics II Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
2019/2020 Statistics and Data Analysis Master Degree in Human Resources Development Policies; Master Degree in Studies of Environment and Sustainability; Yes
2019/2020 Statistics I Bachelor Degree in Finance and Accounting; Bachelor Degree in Marketing; Bachelor Degree in Management; Yes
Ph.D. Thesis (5)
Ongoing (2)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Ismail Emre DERINBAY English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Mehmet Turk English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Concluded (3)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Zafer Özleblebici English ISCTE-IUL -- 2014
Özcan Murat Do?an English ISCTE-IUL -- 2014
Nuh Altinsoy English ISCTE-IUL -- 2010
M.Sc. Dissertations (15)
Ongoing (1)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Status Institution Initial Year
Nuh Altinsoy The organizational aliggnment in terms of strategy and leadership attributes: An empirical study of their interaction and impact on organizational performance English Developing ISCTE-IUL --
Concluded (14)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Zafer Özleblebici Comparison of Perceptions on Strategy: A Survey on Perceptions of Business and Military Managers English ISCTE-IUL -- 2014
Özcan Murat Dogan A Balanced Scorecard Model for a Generic Strategic Level Military Headquarters English ISCTE-IUL -- 2014
Ana Filipa Diniz de Matos Marques A Avaliação do impacto de Acções de Literacia Financeira. O caso prático do portal de literacia financeira "Todos Contam" Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2012 2013
Marta João Azevedo English ISCTE-IUL -- 2011
Agnaldo Oliveira Júnior Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2011
Agnaldo De Oliveira Gomes Júnior Avaliação de satisfação dos gestores e colaboradores e sua relação com o desempenho: o caso masa da Amazónia. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2008 2011
Diana Simona Damian English ISCTE-IUL -- 2009
Ana Lúcia Pinto Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2009
Ricardo Carvalho Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2009
Ana Patrícia Oliveira Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2008
Alexandre Ferreira Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2008
Célia Cristina da Silva Vicente Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2008
Alexandre Tomás Portuguese ISCTE-IUL -- 2007
Vera Maria Belo Furtado Portuguese ISEGI - UNL -- 2006
M.Sc. Final Projects (3)
Concluded (3)
Student Name Title/Topic Language Institution Initial Year Concluding Year
Ana Mafalda de Magalhães da Franca Neto Cabrita Os 4P's na Industria Farmaceutica - O caso dos Genéricos Portugueses Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2011 2012
Marta João Veríssimo de Azevedo Inter-Store Externalities and the Efficient Allocation of a Commercial Center Space. English ISCTE-IUL 2008 2011
Ricardo Jorge Ferreira de Carvalho Os Factores Determinantes da Satisfação dos Alunos de Mestrados de Continuidade. Portuguese ISCTE-IUL 2008 2009