Marcelo Moriconi is a researcher and professor at the Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (Iscte) and its Centre of International Studies (CEI-Iscte). He has a multidisciplinary background with a degree in Journalism and Communication, post-graduate studies in Sociology, and a PhD in Political Science (University of Salamanca, Spain). He has researched and taught in universities across Latin America and Europe. He is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Political Science Association (ALACIP) and a member of the Scientific Commission of the CEI-Iscte. He has researched on illegal markets, match-fixing, corruption, organized crime, sport integrity, and Latin-American politics and society. He has published two books and more than 30 articles in peer reviewed, top-tier journals. He has led several international projects funded by European Commission and supervised several Master and PhD thesis.