Projetos de Investigação
European Joint Master Degree on Education and Employability for Esports Industry
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Parceiros do Projeto
Monitorização das Ações e Meios de Campanha Eleitoral utilizados pelos Partidos Políticos e Coligações Eleitorais para a Entidade das Contas e Financiamentos Políticos
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Parceiros do Projeto
Building innovative tools for the exchange of information and awareness raising against match-fixing on sport
Although match-fixing and betting-fraud are fast moving international crimes, deeply infiltrated in the sports universe, they still face an anachronic lack of coherent, systematic and articulated response from sports, governments or society at large. Heterogeneous legal frameworks, reluctancy or even rejection to adopt enforcement measures, difficulties in assessing what should be the right approach and lack of thoughtful and efficient cooperation, all favour the continuous and infamous success and profit for organized crime in recent years. Match-fixing, in fact manipulating the results of matches and contests around the world for the purpose of betting-fraud, is more prevalent today than ever, but in a direct relationship to the increasing prevalence of on-line internationally available gambling on it, and to the clear and virtually unchecked vulnerability of gambling to criminal control and fraud or the lack of adequate and timely mechanisms for information exchange. As identified by several authors, widespread match-fixing occurs in great measure due to the lack of information and awareness of the athletes and/or of adequate and efficient capacity building programs of sport organisations and/or the lack of proper interexchange of information among the key-actors to enable them to counter criminal infiltration. In this framework, BITEFIX project aims to develop and provide innovative and practical tools to enable committed stakeholders (law enforcement authorities, betting regulators and operators, government agencies and sport governing bodies, mainly) to work together against match-fixing and betting-fraud in sports throught the exchange of timely, secure and reliable information and raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding the integrity of sport and of its irreplaceable role in European society, with a special focus on grassroots sports.
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Enhance and Stimulate Trust while Exploring new form of Entrepreneurship Modules
Este projecto tem como objetivo estimular a confiança e promover o empreededorismo feminino, ao explorar e desenvolver novos módulos de empreendedorismo incidindo sobre as principais características do perfil de um empreendedor.
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Estágio de Investigação em Estudos Internacionais
Curso de formação superior com módulos teóricos e metodológicos comuns, ao longo de 20 horas de contacto onde os estudantes são introduzidos à dinâmica de funcionamento de uma unidade de investigação e ao processo de investigação académica, com aplicações à área científica dos Estudos Internacionais. Programa individual de investigação e de trabalho prático com o acompanhamento de um investigador responsável.
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SKILLS by SPORT 4 MED: Sport as a vehicle for developing skills for the labor market and promoting employability and entrepreneurship
The project aims at promoting in a strategic way social transformation through sport in the Mediterranean region, by focusing on sport as a vehicle for promoting work capacities and employment/entrpreneurship. This objective goes in line with the main priorities of EU policies, not only in the frame of sport, but also in integration, immigration, development, security and international cooperation. In this sense Sport in this project is not and end but a “mean” (a tool) for addressing the social and economic problem of low employment, and hence massive migration processes, insecurity and terrorism threats. The key need addressed by this project is the high unemployment rate in the Mediterranean Basin (both North and South Coasts), which can be efficiently addressed only through a long term oriented strategy aimed at strengthening the labour force capacity, including entrepreneurship. A second key need which the project addresses is the growing need of “empowering sport” as a tool for social impact-change, i.e. empowering sport as a means and no longer considering it only as a scope in itself. A third key need is promoting a cooperative and trustful environment between South Coast and North Coast in the Mediterranean Basin. The planned event in Egypt has the potential to become a little mile-stone in the cooperation dynamics. The high reputation of the Consortium including United Nations ILO ensures a high-impact perspective to the  initiative.
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Monitorização das Ações e Meios de Campanha Eleitoral Utilizados pelos Partidos Políticos e Coligações Eleitorais, para a Entidade das Contas e Financiamentos Políticos
Projecto de aquisição de serviços para monitorização das ações e meios de campanha eleitoral utilizados pelos Partidos Políticos e Coligações Eleitorais na Eleição para a Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma da Madeira, realizada no dia 22 de setembro de 2019 e na Eleição para a Assembleia da República de 6 de outubro de 2019.
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Parceiros do Projeto
Training to Protected Reporting from Professional and Grassroots Sports
O objectivo deste projecto é fortalecer significativamente a eficiência das políticas que estão implementadas contra a combinação de resultados desportivos através do investimento no treino/partilha de informação no meio. O projecto é fortemente baseado na cooperação entre vários actores relevantes com referência específica a dois Governos Nacionais assim como dois Comités Olímpicos Nacionais, que, pela primeira vez, estão envolvidos numa cooperação dentro desta temática.
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Ação de monitorização de meios e ações de campanha para as Eleições Autárquicas de 1 de outubro de 2017
A Entidade das Contas e Financiamentos Políticos (ECFP), do Tribunal Constitucional atribui ao CEI-IUL a realização de estudos de evidência feitos por grupos de monitores em municípios de referência, com o objetivo de validar os gastos de campanha dos partidos políticos, comparar esses gastos com os orçamentos apresentados à ECFP, e eventualmente realçar indicadores de desfasamentos entre os orçamentos e os atos de campanha levados à prática pelas diferentes candidaturas durante a campanha das eleições autárquicas do ano 2017. O projeto tem como vertente científica, nomeadamente, o estudo do tipo e evolução dos meios e ações de campanha nas eleições autárquicas e serve também o propósito de avaliar esses meios e ações de campanha.
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Eleição do Presidente da República 2016
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Social accomplices of corruptions: Understanding social tolerance to corruption in Iberoamerican states
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Ações e meios de campanha eleitoral para a eleição dos órgãos das autarquias locais
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Staying on Side: How to Stop Match Fixing
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Promessas Partidárias e Responsabilidade Democrática: O caso português numa perspectiva comparativa
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The Democratization of Corruption: how the phenomenon adapts from authoritarian to democratic contexts
The main objective of this study is to understand the phenomenon of corruption in different political regimes and determine how the opportunity structures have changed and adapted from authoritarian to democratic contexts. Some forms of corruption are of a structural nature and invariable with regard to the type of regime, whereas others have emerged and expanded as a consequence of democratization and the inevitable growth and complexity of state intervention. The study focus on the Argentinean, Portuguese and Spanish cases and tries to develop a general framework of analysis on how corruption actors, resources and exchanges evolve in response to changes in the nature of the regime. In order to understand the role of corruption in the daily life of people across regimes, the study looks at the major contextual social, economic, institutional and normative changes and how these affect the interaction between citizens and their political and administrative institutions.  
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