Training to Protected Reporting from Professional and Grassroots Sports

O objectivo deste projecto é fortalecer significativamente a eficiência das políticas que estão implementadas contra a combinação de resultados desportivos através do investimento no treino/partilha de informação no meio. O projecto é fortemente baseado na cooperação entre vários actores relevantes com referência específica a dois Governos Nacionais assim como dois Comités Olímpicos Nacionais, que, pela primeira vez, estão envolvidos numa cooperação dentro desta temática.


The key objective/goal of the proposal is to introduce in a structured way the use of protected reporting systems in the anti-match-fixing policies and actions of sport bodies and institutions related to sport practices, through a proper, competent and informed approach. 


This focus/goal will be pursued through the following processes:

  1. Better understanding of the ongoing practices and the underlying dynamics of the protected reporting system before the design and conception of the training process;

  2. Developing an approach oriented to a strong tailoring of the training models in these fields, with a double target articulation: a first one addressed to top decision makers in primaries sport bodies (NOC, National Federations, Top Sport Clubs) and a second one specifically addressed to grassroots sports, where the cultivation of future behaviours/mis-behaviour takes place and where match-fixing practices are unfortunately emerging at youth level.

  3. Specific use of ICT in order to strongly support the quality and the effectiveness of training through a dedicated e-learning module, also functional to strengthening the training diffusion potential;

  4. A very strong cooperation among the most relevant actors, with special reference to National Government and National Olympic Committees, which will be directly involved for the first time in such a cooperative process on this topic.  

The training model will be pilot-implemented in five European countries (Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium and Spain) and addressed to top-decision maker in the main sport domains of each countries (e.i football, tennis, basketball) and to grassroots levels in a very wide range of disciplines.

Impacto Social e Económico
  • Strong growth in the sport bodies and institutions capacity to adopt proper protected reporting systems within the anti-match-fixing policies
  • The development of a research that allow the creation of empirical data in order to create tailored training models
  • The development, promotion and implementation of proper use of protected reporting systems both “anonymous” and “disclaimed”, both “digital” “analogical”, and the promotion/protection of whistle-blowers;
  • The creation and implementation of a training model based on specific ICT tool which strongly support the quality and the effectiveness of training in protected reporting system through a dedicated e-learning module, also functional to strengthening the training diffusion potential and functional for implementing Open Educational Resources.
  • Strengthening of a permanent cooperative logic within the actors involved, since the whole implementation process of the project will be characterized by structured collaboration within the coalition, and make possible the interaction, for the first time in anti-match fixing projects, of the Olympic Family, Governments, NGOs, Universities and Betting operators.  
  • Capacity of sport organizations of developing anti match-fixing specific policies, included an increase of efficiency of protected reporting systems;
  • The elaboration of structured indications to UE commission to develop effective strategies and policies based on comparable data and tailored training model patterns.
Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
CEI-Iscte Instituições, Governação e Relações Internacionais Líder 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Parceiros Externos
Instituição País Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Psychology and Social Sciences Advanced School) (UCSC - ASAG) Itália Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Espanha Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Transparency International Slovenia (TI-Slovenia) Eslovénia Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) Itália Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Comité Olímpico de Portugal (COP) Portugal Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P. (IPDJ - PNED) Portugal Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) Reino Unido Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) Países Baixos (Holanda) Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Ufficio Sport della Presidenza del Consiglio (USPC) Itália Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
KU Leuven Institute of Criminology (LINC) Países Baixos (Holanda) Parceiro 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Marcelo Moriconi Investigador Auxiliar (DCPPP); Investigador Integrado (CEI-Iscte); Coordenador Global 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
César Cima Investigador Associado (CEI-Iscte); Investigador 2019-09-01 2020-06-30
Financiamentos do Projeto
Código/Referência DOI do Financiamento Tipo de Financiamento Programa de Financiamento Valor Financiado (Global) Valor Financiado (Local) Data de Início Data de Fim
NA -- Prémio Comissão Europeia - Erasmus + Sport 384.205,00€ 77.550,00€ 2018-01-01 2020-06-30
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Training to Protected Reporting from Professional and Grassroots Sports