CV Summary

PhD in Social Work from ISCTE-IUL on the subject of "Hospital accreditation and good professional practice";

Specialisation in Family Mediation and Conflict Management and a degree in Social Work from the Lisbon Higher Institute of Social Work. Visiting Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL.

She teaches on the 1st Cycle of Study of the Degree in Social Work, and on the PG in Social Work in Health. 

She has supervised Master's and PhD research projects. 

Social Worker at CHULC,

She is part of several research projects: Validation of SWAAT instruments; IEXPAC for the Portuguese population. Creation and validation of quality indicators in healthcare in partnership with the ACSS;

Member of the Join Action transfer of best praCtices In pRimary CarE (CIRCE-JA), from 2023 to 2025.

She is a member of the PAFIC and APSS bodies;

Her areas of research interest are: social work and health systems; hospital discharge planning; quality and good practice; innovation, the psychosocial impact of illness and operational tools to support professional practice and the integration of care.