CV Summary

Teresa Madeira da Silva - Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of Iscte and DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte Integrated Researcher. She is Director of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at Iscte, President of the Cientific Committee of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at Iscte  (2022-2025), and Director of the PhD Urban Studies at Iscte (joint PhD between Iscte-IUL and FCSH-UNL) (2019-2024). She integrates the teams of two research projects: UrbanoScenes. Postcolonial imaginaries of urbanization in prospective research. Portugal and Angola, Coord. Simone Tulumello (until 2025-01-14) and CLI-CC.HE - Climate change, cities, communities and health equity. Erasmus + Project, Coord. Rosalba D'Onofrio - Università di Camerino (2022-2024).

Published 11 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals (4 indexed in web science or scopus). Published 3 e-books (2018/2019) and coordinated the edition of another 3 (pedagogical scope 2021/2022), edited by Iscte Repository. Published 15 book chapters and 23 articles in event proceedings. Presented 57 communications in scientific meetings. She coordinated a research project for the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), which resulted in a service contract between Iscte and IHRU. She was part of the team of a research project The Grand Projects. Architectural and urbanistic operations after the 1998 Lisbon World Exhibition (coord. Paulo Tormenta Pinto).

She coordinated the Summer School Sufficiency strategies in urban architecture at the invitation of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD) (2015), the Specialization Seminar: designing in times of scarcity: temporary occupation in vacant spaces (2014) and the Workshop Collectiv Housing in Tamera Solar Village with the TUD (2012). She collaborates in international networks: the portal of the C. Gulbenkian - Património de Influência Portuguesa and the Permanent Secretariat of CIHEL - Congresso Internacional de Habitação no Espaço Lusófono.

He has taught around 63 Master's and PhD CUs. He was examiner/vocal in 8 doctoral exams and in 5 master's exams. Participated in 76 exams of the integrated master's degree in architecture (21 as examiner) and in 19 juries of the integrated master's degree of the Faculty of Design and Technology of the TU Darmstadt. Supervised 5 PhD theses (3 finished and 2 in progress), 6 Master's dissertations (3 finished and 3 in progress), 31 MIA Final Architectural Project (PFA) projects, 12 concerning the project work and 19 concerning the theoretical component of the PFA. Supervised 6 internships for the Order of Architects (4 concluded). She was coordinator of ECTS of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (DAU) (2014-2022), member of the Pedagogical Commission of ISTA (School of Technology and Architecture), (2013-2016) and of the Scientific Commission of DAU (2013-2016).

She was Director of Urban Studies Master (2015-2016), coordinator of the 2nd year (2017-2019), 3rd year (2011-2014) and 5th year (2014-2016 and 2020-2021) of the Integrated Master Architecture (MIA) Iscte-IUL. She was a trainee's ombudsman at the Order of Architects between 2014 and 2016.

She has several years of professional experience as an architect and received the Valmor and Municipal Architecture Award 1989 in 1991, in co-authorship.

She works in the field of architecture and urbanism and her scientific interests lie in topics such as: housing; housing programs; teaching and methodologies of architectural design; architectural design; urban and building rehabilitation; urban studies; urbanism of Portuguese origin.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Portugal - Lisboa
Aggregation Arquitetura 2023 - 2023
IPPS-Iscte. Instituto de Políticas Públicas e Sociais
Portugal - Lisboa
Other type of qualification Curso de Comunicação na Rádio e Televisão 2020 - 2020
IPPS-Iscte. Instituto de Políticas Públicas e Sociais
Portugal - Lisboa
Other type of qualification Escrita de Textos de opinião 2019 - 2019
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Arquitectura e Urbanismo 2005 - 2009
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Mestrado em Desenho Urbano 1997 - 1999
Aula do Risco
Other type of qualification Fotografia como Medium 1995 - 1995
Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional
Portugal - Lisboa
Post-graduation CAD-Arris 1992 - 1992
Universidade de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisbon
Licenciate Arquitectura 1980 - 1985
Research Interests
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) Humanities
Other Humanities Humanities