CV Summary

Marine Luiza de Oliveira Mattos, Brazilian, undergraduate in Architecture and Urbanism at Juiz de Fora Federal University/MG (UFJF), Brazil. Joined as a researcher in the Urbanismong group at UFJF, from March/2012 to July/2015. This group develops research activities with the support of the Ministry of Cities, Ministry of Culture and three well-known research institutes (CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG). Master Degree in Regional and Urban Space Planning at Viçosa Federal University/MG, with the thesis named “Assets and Urban Morphology in Muriaé/MG Historical Preservation Area”. Graduated in Data Geo-processing and Geo-referencing at Cândido Mendes University. Taught the following disciplines in the Architecture and Urbanism course at DOCTUM Teaching Network (DOCTUM), Caratinga/MG unit, during 2018-2019: Urban Project I and II; Interior Project II; Integrator Project VI and VIII; Theory and History of Cultural Heritage; and Final Work of Course Completion I and II. Besides, taught the following disciplines in the Architecture and Urbanism course at Pitagoras University, Governador Valadares/MG unit, during 2018-2019: Urbanism I, II and III; and Brazilian Architecture. Joined the Structuring Teaching Nucleus during 2018-2019 with monitoring academic attributions in the process of design, consolidation and continuous updating of the pedagogical project in the Architecture and Urbanism course at DOCTUM. Currently, applied in the Doctor Degree program in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories in the Architecture and Urbanism course at Lisbon University Institute, Portugal. Emphasis in the study of Spatial Syntaxes as a tool to analyze the appropriation of urban centers and sustainable urban mobility.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Universidade Cândico Mendes
Engenharia - Brazil - Campos dos Goytacazes
Post-graduation Geoprocessamento e Georreferenciamento de dados 2017 - 2020
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Brazil - Viçosa
M.Sc. Arquitetura e Urbanismo 2016 - 2018
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Brazil - Juiz de Fora
Bachelor of Science Arquitetura e Urbanismo 2010 - 2015
Research Interests
Digital Architecture
Space Syntax
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Public Space
Computer and Information Sciences Natural Sciences
Other Natural Sciences Natural Sciences