Professional Associations
Association Period
Portuguese association of sociology --
Organization/Coordination of Events
Type of Organization/Coordination Event Type Event Title Organizer Period
Member of scientific event's organizing committee Conference School performance among Ciganos/ Roma: action-research and co-design project CIES_Iscte 2022
Member of non-scientific event's organizing committee Seminar or Seminar Cycle Gypsies and Digital Literacy Seminar: the case of Reguengos de Monsaraz Câmara Municipal de Reguengos de Monsaraz e Universidade Aberta e Câmara Mun 2019
Member of scientific event committee Seminar or Seminar Cycle International Seminar Gypses in Portugal, Spain and Brazil. Analyzing contexts, demands and identity processes CIES-IUL/ ISCTE-IUL e UFPE/NEPE, Brasil 2019
Award Description Year
2021 Intercultural Personality Award, Civil Society Category?, awarded by Espaço T and the Community of Bangladesh in Porto, on February 21, 2022, at Atneu Comercial in Porto. 2022