Research Projects
Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition / Sp
Project partners are gathered in Southern Coalition, an initiative targeting at strengthening the arts and culture in Southern European countries, especially focusing on participatory approaches and capacity-building. It gathers 14 organizations from 10 countries: all to some extent identifying with a loosely defined ‘Southern Europe’, all committed to foster local community engagement in the arts and all devoted to overcoming the obstacles in their specific contexts by increasing mutual cooperation. It is mainly a cultural concept instead of a geographical one, where “South” is broadly understood. It refers particularly to those affected by the political and economic crisis, interested in collaborative strategies based on a set of common values and needs that derive specifically from working in the peripheries. Although in different ways, all the countries involved in the project share common challenges: • unstable cultural policy contexts; • vulnerable ecosystems, in which arts organizations cope with less funding, face bureaucratic obstacles and are generally severely under-resourced for the work they carry out; • widespread need for professional training in the sector and capacity-building schemes that enhance the sustainability of the sector; • a lack of knowledge of audiences needs results in low audience numbers; • shrinking of funds for artistic production, replaced by instrumental funding for social programs: • a sense of being ‘peripheral’, with distinct implications in different cases: because the country is a small economy, because of their geo-political situation or because they work in rural areas or in territories marked by strong inequalities. Southern Coalition has identified 3 main areas of action to be tackled in the project Stronger Peripheries: collaborative strategies, capacity-building and cultural policies. Its priorities are supporting training, audience development, and inclusive cultural policies in the periphery.
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Quadruple helix to stimulate innovation in the Atlantic Cultural and Creative SMEs
The overall objective of the European project 4H-CREAT is to improve cooperation between public, private and research and development (R&D) actors in order to foster innovation, capacity building and innovation knowledge in the cultural and creative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, the project will develop several activities, including a transnational knowledge transfer model, to facilitate the application of R&D results to SMEs in the cultural and creative industries, thus promoting innovation through the collaborative paradigm of the four-helix, which involves the participation of end users through co-creation and co-design processes.   Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the INTERREG Atlantic Area Cooperation Program 2014-2020, and with a total budget of € 1,749,825, the 4H-CREAT project has an European partnership consisting of seven institutions: Glasgow Caledonian University (Parceiro líder), ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (DINÂMIA’CET), Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Sevilla, Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Bordeaux - Euratlantique, Laval Mayenne Technopole, Limerick Institute of Technology, and Fundación Municipal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Avilés.
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Spatial planning for change
In recent years the entire legal and regulatory basis of the Portuguese Planning System underwent an ambitious and far reaching reform. However, today like in the past, the major effort in the production of new legislation and regulation was not accompanied by a similar effort in the production of planning doctrine, here understood as a vast and coherent set of planning policies and implementation measures, able to improve, from a technical and scientific point of view, and under an evidence based approach, not only the quality of planning practice but also, and foremost,its proactive role, incorporating new and emerging topics and societal challenges and concerns, promoting change and opening new transition avenues into the future. This proactive role of planning, advocated here, contrasts with its traditional conservative standing in Portugal (and in other EU Member States), of looking backwards and passively accommodating, if not slowing down, change and the social and physical reform of our cities and metropolises.   Planning can, and should, constitute a transformative device in our cities in Europe and elsewhere, particularly in the present times and with a view into the long term. Indeed, current changes seem far more deep within the existing urban tissues experiencing profound recompositions of functions and activities, than in physical terms, strictly speaking,where past investments in infrastructures and in the built environment seemed to have exceeded the real demand and generated a surplus of the building stock that, some years later, still remains partially empty or underused.   The Spatial Planning for Change (SPLACH) programme draws on some of the main areas of knowledge of thre eresearch centres CITTA, DINÂMIA'CET-IUL and GOVCOPP. Two to three main areas of knowledge were identified for each centre: post carbon cities, transformative policies, spatial planning, socio-technical system, food security,services of general interest, tourism and modeli...
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Creative Tourism Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas
CREATOUR is an incubator/demonstration and multidisciplinary research initiative, supporting collaborative research processes. The three-year project aims to connect the cultural/creative and tourism sectors through the development of an integrated research and application approach to catalyzing creative tourism in small cities and rural areas throughout Portugal.Creative tourism involves active learning experiences enabling self-expression and creative skill development, with a more extensive relationship between tourism and creative industries emerging, and with platforms making the distribution of this content possible. An essential feature in this process is the firm link of creativity to place and its embeddedness in the local milieu, promoting the visitor an immersion experience within the local culture and local institutions and generating economic and social added value to the region.
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Study of Migratory Phenomena: 2014 - 2030
This study had two central objectives: on the one hand, to situate in a medium-term horizon (until 2030) the economic, social, and political transformations that frame the population movements of emigration and immigration, both in an international context and in the national context, to support the development of intervention strategies and the overhaul of the organizational structures of the High Commissioner for Migration. The main driving forces that structure the population's mobility were identified, the variables transversal to the economic and social development were clarified and the different scenarios for Portugal in terms of migrations were discussed. Through the collection and analysis of different national and international studies, several types of scenarios were systematized, some of the key variables were identified that structured the phenomena of mobility, namely in the economic, social and political dimensions, and the main existing data were presented on the volatility of the inflows and outflows. Prospective trends intersect this information with the results of consultation with privileged informants on the major structural uncertainties in the future of migration by 2030 and the two main trends on mobility in Portugal in terms of inflows and outflows.
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Fostering Intergenerational Entrepreneuship - External Evaluation
The external evaluation of the project ‘Fostering Intergenerational Entrepreneurship’ of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, carried out by Dinâmia-CET, is a requirment of the call and is a process that monitors all stages of the project’s development.The methodological framework identifies: i) Project’s main dimensions; ii) actions to be developed within those dimensions; iii) indicators for actions assessment; and iv) techniques to be used for data collection. The involvement of social actors, besides participants, that are relevant for the development and success of the Project justifies the observation and characterization of public in general and the realization of participated sessions with partners. Therefore, three groups of actors will be considered: participants, public in general, and partners. Participants will be inquired (3 questionnaire surveys and 2 focus groups) during the different phases of the social experiment in order to get information related with their profile, expectations, options, and actions developed during the project. Partners will be involved in 2 focus groups envisaging the debate of Project objectives, evolution, results, and future developments regarding public policies design. Public in general will be considered for the assessment of dissemination effectiveness and Project’s embeddedness in public domain. Public registration in events and Project’s reference by media and social networks will contribute to the achievement of this objective.
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Estudo sobre Públicos dos Equipamentos e Eventos geridos pela EGEAC
Project goals: Comprehensive and systematic characterization of the publics of the EGEAC equipment and events, according to a set of key dimensions and variables to be agreed between the technical team and EGEAC, based on a technical and scientifically anchored approach to ensure the representativeness of the expected conclusions . This characterization aims to meet the following general objectives: To characterize and analyze the structure, composition and annual evolution of users of equipment, rooms, regular and occasional events organized by EGEAC. To raise and systematize the diversity of schedules and events organized in the various spaces managed by EGEAC and its target recipients. Know, problematize and interrelate the profiles of the public and users of the various events and equipment. Perceive the image of EGEAC in its area of ??influence. Identify public potentials and strategies of approximation with hypothetical future users.
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Statistical analysis of databases under the Étude de préparation d’une Opération de réhabilitation urbaine en la Médina de Meknès
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