CV Summary

Sofia Lai Amândio, I'm a sociologist (Ph.D.) and researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte). In the context of my Ph.D. thesis about young managers (class origins, career paths, and skills), under the supervision of Bernard Lahire and António Firmino da Costa, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Centre Max Weber/CNRS and publish on the sociology of the French author. I was coordinator, with Pedro Abrantes and João Teixeira Lopes, of the experimental project "A Diversidade do Mundo" (CIES-IUL/IS-UP), which brings together 17 biographical narratives published in the collective book "Life Among Us. Sociology in Living Flesh.

 I participated as a post-doctoral scholarship researcher in the Project "Educational Challenges in Southern Europe. Equity and Efficiency in times of crisis" (PTDC/IVC-SOC/5079/2012).

 I'm currently developing research on Cohesion Policy and European funds in Portugal, with an article published in Public Sciences and Policies on the institutionalization of the evaluation of European funds in Portugal. 

I also have other areas of interest, having been a member of the Portuguese Charter for Diversity scientific committee and participated in an international project on Lisbon, a multicultural city. 


Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Sociologia e Políticas Públicas 2014
École Normale Superièure de Lyon
Sociologia - France - Lyon
Other type of qualification Sociologia 2010
University of Leicester
Sociologia - United Kingdom - Leicester
Other type of qualification Sociologia 2008
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Sociedade e Conhecimento 2006
Licenciate Sociologia 2001
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
Sociologia - France - Paris
Other type of qualification Sociologia e Sociologia das Práticas Culturais [Programa Erasmus]] 1999
Research Interests
Evaluation, Public Policies and European Funds
Socialization, Individual and Action
Professional Paths
Sociology of Management
Sociology Social Sciences